We had a doctor's appointment at 15 weeks and were really hoping that the ultrasound tech would be able to tell us the genders. We were so disappointed to find out that we didn't even have an ultrasound scheduled that day! We begged the doctor to let us have an ultrasound to try to find out. The tech agreed to do it because she said I am pretty small still and that would give her a good chance to check things out. Well...she told us for sure the gender of Baby B, but couldn't see the other baby because its legs were crossed. She tried for a good 40 minutes but our little baby was not letting us see the goods! She did however, tell us what she would say the genders are if there was a gun to her head...
Well seeing as how we have zero patience we immediately made an appointment for that afternoon for an elective 3d/4d ultrasound. Again, we had to beg them to check because they said it was too early, but we knew that the other ultrasound tech would have been able to see the gender if only the legs weren't crossed. After a good 30 minutes this technician came to the same conclusion...
TWO GIRLS!! Holy cow, were we surprised! J and I both had a feeling that it was a girl and a boy. I guess we were wrong! Although, my biggest fear right now is that we will go to our next ultrasound at 20 weeks and find out that one "girl" had turned into a boy haha. I always said that I wanted 5 boys...so it's only fate that I would end up with twin girls! We are so happy to have healthy, growing babies that it doesn't matter what gender they are.
We decided to do a small gender reveal with Jason's family and our good friends. We baked cupcakes and cake ball cookies and filled the centers with pink. We had everyone make their guess for the genders. Blue= two boys. Yellow= one boy, one girl. Pink= two girls. It was fun to watch everyone's reaction when they saw pink inside!
Since my parents live in PA I had a local flower shop fill a box with a bunch of pink Mylar balloons and two Pink balloons that said "It's a girl". My mom called me when she received the box and her reaction was priceless. It sounded like this, "Hold on...there's pink....pink....more pink! It's all pink!!!"
We already picked out their names, so everything is starting to feel very real. We already got their cribs and nursery furniture and my wonderful in-laws will be painting the nursery one weekend while we are away (so I don't have to take in the painting fumes). Pretty soon my one-day-someday-maybe-baby-room will be an actual nursery. I still cannot believe it. We have been so incredibly blessed throughout this process and I honestly feel so special that I have been chosen to carry two little girls at one time.
I have been going through a pretty serious nesting phase the past few weeks. I have been going through the clothes we have stuffed away in closets around the house and have already donated 3 full bags of clothes to Goodwill. I have been going through drawers in the kitchen and our bathroom and just throwing away crap with no abandon! It feels great to make space and get rid of things we do not use.
Here is my 8 week, 12 week and 16 week comparison. I will be 18 weeks on Thursday and I think there will be a big difference in the next picture! I go home in a few weeks and I am really hoping not to disappoint with my belly :)