Saturday, November 17, 2012

30 days of thanks, Nashville Shower, & 1 year of blogging!

Too much excitement for one post!

Start off with catching up on my thanks-giving
Day 11- Thankful for all of my friends and family who put together such a lovely shower even with a change of venue!
Day 12- Thankful for all of the beautiful clothing, blankets, books and other gifts we received for our girls.  I loved having it all in my room to stare at for a few days and take photo ops with!
Day 13- Thankful for online shopping.  I am able to buy what I need without sending J to the store to get himself in a tizzy.
Day 14- Week 24! My beautiful girls are holding on a received their first steroid shot at exactly 12am last night and will be receiving their final shot at 12 tonight.  This shot helps to mature their lungs should they be born early.
Day 15- So thankful for an invitation to the NICU support group.  I really didn't care what the support group was for, I just wanted to get out of my room for an hour!
Day 16- Thankful for the nurse who calmed me down after having a miserable day.  My body was aching from laying on my sides and whenever I lay on my back I become short of breath.  She suggested an Ambien & Tylenol cocktail and I slept like a baby and the next day my soreness had gone away.
Day 17- Thankful for my 1 year of blogging!  I am grateful to have this outlet that has seen my through endometriosis, infertility, fertility drugs, IVF and now pregnancy.  It allowed me to connect with people that are in my life in a totally different way.

I wanted to share pictures from the shower last Sunday. We had the shower planned for the 11th and even though I was in the hospital I still wanted to have it because we have no way of predicting what is going to happen in the upcoming months with the babies arrivals and I knew that everyone had worked really hard to make the shower special.  Here are some of the pictures from that day!

Ready for the day!

Fruit carriage

Diaper stroller 
Car Seats!

Grateful to have so many people come to the shower!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

30 days of thanks giving

I am way late on the uptake here, but I saw this on another blog and felt it was important for me to put out into the universe the things I am thankful for.  I will try to do one every day here out!

Day 1- More than words can ever say, I am thankful for my husband.  He has been staying with me every night, right by my side.  This means he gets up extra early in the morning to workout, go to the house and take care of things there, pack stuff for me that I need, pack things that he needs for the next day, all before going to work at 830.

Day 2- Thankful for all of my family and friends who call, text and visit if possible. I really don't like to talk on the phone, but I love a text message and it boosts my spirits to know we have so many great people thinking and praying for us.

Day 3- Thankful that our little ladies are each weighing in at 1 pound.  They are both right in the 50% percentile for singletons.  Rock on chicas

Day 4- Thankful for the sweet view of downtown Nashville from my room.  The nurses moved me from a smaller room with a courtyard view to this huge room the second it was available.  

Day 5- Thankful for the internet....what did people on bed rest do before it?? I almost go crazy if I cannot connect for a morning.

Day 6- Thankful for a nurse that makes J and I laugh soooo much.  She is seriously inappropriate, has told me to "Shut the F--- up" and has boundary issues but that is what I like about her :)

Day 7- Thankful for a husband who brings me soft toilet paper and a former patient who left her shower curtain.  Things are feeling more homey around here!

Day 8- Thankful to have in-laws that we can rely on and who are willing to do so much for us!

Day 9- Thankful for a husband that left work early so that he could be here before the sun went down, all to take me for a ride in a wheel chair.  He knew it would make my day to go to the serenity garden outside, if only for 5 minutes.  Love that man.

Day 10 (Today!)- Thankful to have a nurse that will calm my fears that now that both babies are head down and Baby A is sitting on my cervix, she is not going to just fall out. Lol.  I spent a good portion of the night awake, worrying that this may happen, but she assured me...I will have to go into active labor before anyone comes out.

Day 10 of Hospital Bed Rest

So, I am still in the hospital.  I had really gotten my hopes up last week that when my doctor came in on Monday he would say I was released to go on bed rest at home.  My OB seemed to be skeptical of my release and when the Maternal Fetal specialist came in, she laid the law down.  Hospital bed rest until at least 28 weeks (6 weeks total).  We were both surprised and overwhelmed by this news and it took us a few hours to gain perspective on the situation.

My cervix is literally paper thin and they were afraid if they sent me home that I would do more there than I would at the hospital.  That I would be inclined to get up more often to get food or clean things up or just grab something that I wanted, whereas in the hospital I do not have to do any of those things for myself.  After some time we realized that although it is not the ideal situation for us, it is probably the best place for our babies to be staying.  I see two doctors a day and my nurses come in at least 10 times a day with medications and to check up on me.  I can let them know about any ache or pain that I am worried about, and if they feel it is a serious concern I will have an ultrasound to check things out.

J and I have both adjusted throughout this week.  We both just want to do what is best for our little girls and to give them the best chance of becoming healthy babies.  We are really focusing on milestones right now.  24 weeks is a big one.  At 24 weeks the doctors will give me two rounds of steroids to help develop their lungs.  A baby born at 24 weeks has a 50% chance of survival with a 90% chance of long term side effects.  24 weeks may be viability, but it is not a goal. At 26 weeks there is a 90% chance of survival and at 28 weeks 95%.  I would love, love, LOVE to make it to 37 weeks, but after 28 weeks I will breathe a little easier.  If I am not dilated at 28 weeks I will be able to go home to be on bed rest.  At 32 weeks I would even have some of my restrictions lifted!

As for right now, I have established a daily routine.  Obviously it is made up on BS things to do such as: tv, reading, internet, crafts, shower, brush teeth, meals and stretching, but it gives me things to look forward to and a specific time to do them.  This prevents my whole day being swallowed up by tv or the internet alone.  Thankfully, I have bathroom privileges and I am allowed to take a short shower sitting down. I have been keeping entertained so far and it really helps that soon it will be winter (although it's a high of 70 today!) and the holidays are right around the corner, giving me something other than the milestones to look forward to.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

21 weeks

Hopefully not my last pictures in real clothes!!

Worst case scenario: Hospital Bed rest

It happened a lot sooner than I ever anticipated and with barely any warning so here I am on hospital bed rest. I have been sailing through pregnancy ever since about 10 weeks with no symptoms.  Around 18 weeks I started having Braxton Hicks contractions and I let both of my doctors know (the OB and the Maternal Fetal Specialist).  They both said while it can be a sign of preterm labor, everyone has contractions throughout their pregnancy as a way to prepare the body for labor.

Yesterday morning I worked out with J and then went to work.  My job is not strenuous and it varies from sitting at a desk to active playing.  I felt a lot of pressure deep down in my uterus and then a very sharp pain that made me double over.  I finished working and called the doctor.  Of course my OB is out for the week so I saw the on-call doctor.  At first they were not going to have an ultrasound but I guess they changed their minds.  The ultrasound tech took a look at my cervix for all of 3 seconds and said, “This is not good.  Your cervix is supposed to be 40mm and its 6mm. You are going to have to be put on bed rest.  In fact I am going to get a wheel chair because you are not even going to be allowed to walk out of this room.”

So within those 3 seconds I saw everything come crashing down.  I had prepared myself for having to go on bed rest at 28 weeks at the very earliest.  Before the tech even looked at the girls she asked me to call someone so that they would be able to help me home.  I called J just sobbing.  I couldn’t get out a word and since he knew I was at the doctor I am sure he was thinking the worst.  Anyhow he was able to make it to ultrasound before we even finished.  I am sure a few laws were broken on the way!  The good news was that the girls were healthy and active, weighing it at 1 lb each.

We went back to my doctor’s office to discuss a plan.  At this point we were both very anxious about the thought of going on bedrest, then the nurse mentioned that they would be taking me to the hospital!  That raised our anxiety level another few thousand notches.  Luckily my doctors office is attached to the hospital I will be delivering at so they were able to wheel me right over and into the Antepatrum floor, which is a high-risk area of labor and delivery. 

We had another ultrasound to see if the cervix had changed and it remained at 6mm.  We spoke with the MFM this morning and he said that for now I will remain on bed rest at the hospital with bathroom and shower privileges (woo).  When my OB gets back on Monday they will do another ultrasound to check on the cervix and at that point I can either be released for bed rest at home or remain at the hospital.  While I find comfort in being at the hospital and close to the doctor if I need anything I would really prefer to be at home. 

The craziest part of this whole experience is that I only had one warning sign! One sharp pain, pressure and that was it!  I honestly thought I may have been over reacting but I sure am glad that I went to the doctor immediately.  Who knows what would have happened if I just ignored it and went on working out and working.  Now we are really praying to make it to 24 weeks (I am 22 weeks today).  No baby has ever survived before 24 weeks, which is such a scary thought. Of course 24 weeks is not the ultimate goal but the next milestone we have to look forward to.