This past Sunday, the girls turned ONE! I know, I know. It flew by. They have grown so much this past year and really have become little ladies. Ivey was born weighing 3.2 lbs and 15.5 inches and at her 1 year appt she was 23 lbs and 30 inches. BK weighed 3.2 and 17 in at birth and was 22 lbs and 30 inches at her 1y appt. Currently, both girls are crawling and cruising everywhere. We expect that they will learn to walk within a month or two. Some of their motor skills are still delayed from being premature, but we are super happy with their progress and feel that the gap between where they are and where they "should" be is insignificant at this point. The vocal skills are growing daily. They both say "Mama" "Dada" "Uh-oh". Brooklyn can also say "up" "nana" and Ivey can say "moo" in response to what does a cow say. They will also imitate some words like "baby" and animal sounds but not consistently. Ivey does touchdown and I have a new goal of teaching her Praise jesus with only one hand because I think that would be hilarious. They learn something new everyday, it's so amazing to watch.
I have been taking them to music classes, open gym time and story times at the book store. They love music (as almost any baby does) and enjoy interacting with other babies. I do these activities as much for them as I do for myself. It's hard in the winter time because we don't go on as many walks as I would like, so it's nice to get out of the house and interact with other moms and have a reason to shower in the morning.
The girls had a great Christmas and spent time with J's family and my parents. My mom was able to come down and stay for almost a week and then my mom and dad came back the day after Xmas for a few days to celebrate I&B's birthday. We had a lot of fun preparing for the party and just spending time with the girls because they are entertainment all by themselves.
Here are some pics from the party.
Monthly pics |
Ivey face planting onto her cake |
Brooklyn decided to pick up her cake and smash it! That a girl |
The girls buddies made it to the party |
Mrs. Claus waiting for Santa to come home |
Caution: taking twin girls in public dressed like this will cause a commotion |
Fabulous |
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