When I worked with children with Autism I would recommend that parents put away almost all of the toys and leave only a few out. At the time, my thinking had more to do with creating motivation for the toys that were put away (and could then be used for therapy) and providing an uncluttered environment to see what truly interested the child. When there are 50 toys in a bin, usually kids will pick something out and play with it for 10 seconds before something else catches their eye.
I knew before I had children that I never wanted overflowing bins full of toys around the house. I wanted the toys we had to matter and promote creativity and education. I found a great website to help with choosing toys that get played with over lengths of time- Best Toys for Babies & Young Toddlers From there, I stumbled upon this great website where the author is an SLP and talks about rotating toys How to rotate toys
She has wonderful ideas about how to separate your toys into categories and get rid of the shiny and flashy toys. The categories are: Thinking, moving and pretending toys. I won't go into much detail here, but want to refer you to The Little Stories website for more information.
The concept is simple and at the end you have 10 toys (or sets of toys) laying around your house. Sounds amazing right? After all, how many toys can your child play with successfully at the same time?? You can tweek it to fit your families needs if you have more than one child or children of different ages. I have 15 toys out and that includes 5 toys from each category. We have our toys divided between the living room, foyer and toy room. This works for us, but I could definitely put more toys away and they would be just as entertained.
I have been doing this with the girls since they were around 9-10 months and we started to acquire more toys. Sometimes I get busy (read: lazy) and forget to rotate for a few weeks, but when I do it is like Christmas morning. The girls look at all of the new toys in amazement! They forgot about all of these awesome toys! The best part is that they really PLAY with the toys for greater lengths of time, allowing for more creativity within their play. The only part I'm really bad at is books. We have 16 out right now. But 16 out of like 200 isn't bad!
My toy list:
1) Shape Sorter
2) Melissa and Doug Farm animal puzzle
3) Fisher Price Geo Trax
4) Melissa and Doug basic skills board (fine motor)
5) Leap Frog reader junior (girls haven't learned how to use yet, we are still teaching)
Moving: (all in the foyer)
6) Strollers
7) Rody
8) V Tech sit to stand
9) balls
10) cars
11) Kitchen set (always stays out)
12) Brooms
13) Little People Talking Zoo Keeper
14) Leap Frog Tea Time
15) Mickey and Minnie
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