CD 7- Vegas- Where the babies are made
We made it! Our flight was about 4 hours and we killed most of the time playing games on my Ipad. We picked up our rental car and headed to our hotel, Element by Westin in Summerlin. It is about 10-15 minutes from the strip, which is perfect for us. The hotel is very modern, eco-friendly, has a fabulous complementary breakfast, pool, and kitchen in every room. Perfect for an extended stay. Pres Obama even stayed here in January. If it is good enough for the pres, it’s good enough for us.
CD 8- First ultrasound and blood work
I had blood work (b/w) scheduled for 8:45am and an ultrasound (u/s) scheduled for 10:15am. Of course, I woke up at 5:30! Ever since my babycation has started I have not been able to sleep in past 5:30. Granted 5:30 is 7:30 at home, but still I was hoping to be good and rested these two weeks.
The blood work was for the purpose of Estradiol levels. When we arrived at Dr. Sher’s office it looked as though we were the first people there for the day. I guess I had envisioned a waiting room full of women, because Dr. Sher said there were a lot of people cycling in June.
After getting my blood taken and then waiting for about an hour it was finally my turn to undress from the waist down and kick my heels back in the stirrups. I have been contemplating all of the possible outcomes of this appointment: not enough follicles, follicles not being the right size, high Estradiol level, low Estradiol level, thin lining, too thick lining…the possibilities of things going wrong just seemed endless!
Sher came in the room and both my husband and I were taken aback by how big of a man he is. As in tall and muscular. He was super nice and gave me his cell phone number again and told me if I need him, to call him and that he cannot help me if I don’t call him! It’s almost like he knew how much I dislike talking on the phone haha. We got down to business quickly and Dr. Sher was exclaiming (in his British accent) “What a beauuuutiful lining! Oh, just beautiful!” It was 13mm and triple layered and he pointed out all of the layers to us.
I was positive that my left ovary would be the big producer of this IVF cycle because I have been having a lot of cramping on that side. To my surprise both sides had about the same amount of follicles. Here was the breakdown- Right: 15 x 7, 14, 10, 9 (total:10) Left: 16, 15 x3, 14, 12, 10, 9x2 (total: 9). Doc said that we should put all of our money on 15 if we went to the casinos today because we have 10 15mm follicles. Dr Sher called the cycle thus far “textbook” which I felt very proud of! I told him that we never get good news when we go to the doctor.
He said that by the looks of things we would probably be ready to trigger (HCG) on Wednesday. I stopped by Nurse Linda’s desk before leaving so that we could get our new calendar. She said my E2 level was 931 and we would continue stims tonight and I would be coming back tomorrow.
J Bird and I were so happy after our doctor’s visit. It was a lot of relief. I had prepared him that sometimes cycles get cancelled for various reasons and usually we would know if it was cancelled by the first appointment. I also felt like my diet has been paying off and my lack of gluten, dairy and meat has helped to grow a beauuutiful lining! Ha. It is hard to stick to a diet when it is difficult to see the results. I am not on this diet to lose weight, just to reap the benefits on my insides which obviously can’t be seen, so having a great lining and lots of follicles was a lovely (delayed) reinforcement for me.
Awesome news! Vegas is where all the cutest babies are made!