Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Physical and Emotional of IVF

The Emotional of IVF

Well we aren’t quite at the end of this IVF cycle, and I’m sure the “end” (or beginning depending how it works out) will prove to be more emotional than the part we have already been through, but I’d like to say that we have kind of breezed through this cycle emotionally.  We were so ready to make this step and move on to actively trying to create a baby rather than the things we had already tried.  It was also reassuring to know that we have a backup plan- as many frozen embryo transfers as possible and another fresh IVF cycle if it comes to that point.  I’m sure if we get to the second fresh IVF there will be more desperation for it to work, because we don’t have a plan beyond that.

But this time around has been pretty easy.  J and I have debated whether or not being away from home and work during such a large portion of the cycle made it easier for us.  I can see both sides.  I thought being away would leave more time for me to think, but actually those two weeks went by super fast!  We did a lot of hanging out and lounging around, but that part of your cycle is so action oriented you don’t really have to obsess over what is coming next. 

So, I wasn’t stressed out during this cycle, but I was kind of a bitch.  To J Bird.  The person who deserves it least in this world.   I blame it on the meds.  I’m not sure what exactly made me grow horns, but I’m going to blame it on the Lupron. J took it like a champ though, just letting me get it out and moving on.  Thank goodness that is over with!  Now that I only take progesterone I haven’t been having any mean-ness side effects.   

Thank God we have such a supportive network family, friends, work friends and acquaintances.  We have been so blessed to have everyone’s support throughout this process and it really does mean a lot to J and I for those of you who have been following along, praying, supporting our decisions, and just generally been awesome throughout this process.  I think this positive network has really helped us not to be stressed during this time, so thank you to everyone who has been praying for and with us.

The Physical of IVF

I’m gonna keep it real.  I was worried that I would gain weight from IVF, then get pregnant and be 10 lbs heavier than usual and then pack on the normal pregnancy weight.  Luckily, I didn’t have to worry about gaining weight.  The birth control kicked it off with nausea and then as soon as I started taking the Lupron and Dex I experienced headaches everyday.  Even though I had my usual appetite I still lost 6 lbs. 

I was able to work out like usual until the stim meds, then the nurse said no activities that would “make my ponytail bounce” so I quit running and switched to the stair stepper.  Once we got to Vegas I could only work out comfortably on the elliptical for a few days, until my ovaries started to feel big and bloated.  For two weeks I took it easy, the only real physical activity I partook in was a hike three days after the retrieval.  I’m slowly working myself back into the gym, but it’s not easy because I get so winded!

I took all of my shots in my thighs and just the slightest of bruise marks remain.  Now, my backside where I get the PIO is a different story! Bruises and needle marks galore back there.    

Thankfully, we had a great cycle with minimal emotional and physical side effects.  We continue to pray for the positive final outcome!


  1. I love that you've made it out relatively unscathed! I packed on those 10 IVF lbs... Oh well, they were worth it!

  2. Man alive your attitude is enviable! I think I gained 5 lbs during our cycle... Mostly though because at some point I was like "screw it, I'm comfort eating". ;) But I'll blame it on the hormones...
