Friday, January 27, 2012

This is my confession.

I have a problem.

I have secretly done it in a Starbucks, Walgreens, WalMart’s, Rite Aid’s, gas stations and a few other public buildings.

I have hidden the bag it came in and the receipts in my car, in the garbage can outside of my house, buried it under the kitchen garbage, underneath the guest towel in the guest bathroom or made sure to dispose of the “evidence” in a public trashcan.

I’ve done it at all hours of the night and day.  3 pm.  3 am.  First thing in the morning.

I try to be undetectable. In order to hide what I’ve been doing, so that I can continue to do it. When and Wherever I want (and I do mean wherever!)

It has caused a strain on my relationship (for a few hours at a time).  My husband doesn’t agree with the frequency to which I partake in my vice or the amount of money I have wasted on it.

I have a confession.

I am a pee-on-a-stick-aholic. 


  1. Lmao, that is too funny Jessica! We need to catch up soon. And if course I want to hear when it is that you won't have to be making that's kind of confession anymore ;)

  2. Haha, you are not alone my dear!

  3. Oh I remember those days! I am with Lindsey! You are definitely not alone!

  4. new follower & this definitely made me laugh- because I DEFINITELY didn't think that was what you were talking about at first ;) Can't wait to read more!
